Performance Disclosures


Fefu and Her Friends was written by a Cuban-American playwright within the genre of Magical Realism, and the play focuses on exploring the ways in which gendered expectations can harm our perceptions of ourselves and our capacity to act in the world. Within this show, the following topics are discussed, described, or depicted:

  • Gunshots will be discussed and depicted (no realistic gunshot sounds will be used, but you will hear drumbeats)
  • Nonconsensual sexual contact will be discussed and described
  • Secret Police, oppression of persons, and paranoia are discussed and described
  • Consensual kissing is depicted


This production is an immersive experience, rather than a proscenium performance. Due to the nature of the performance space and the content of this production, we request that no children under the age of 12 attend this production without parental supervision throughout the show. During the performance, audience members will be expected to do the following:

  • Move from one performance space to another
  • Stand, sit, fold cloth items, move chairs, or sit on floors
  • Receive eye contact and actor dialogue directed to the audience
  • Participate in coloring